Management Company
and Asset Manager

Alpha Investor Services Management (“AISM”) is an independent firm authorized under chapter 15 of the Luxembourg law, acting as Management Company and Investment Manager of UCITS funds.

About us

AISM provides investment services, primarily in the field of collective investment management, as well as investments portfolios. In addition, the Company assists the set-up and launch of new strategies.

AISM main activities

AISM has developed a global approach while specializing in the following business activities:

Collective Asset

AISM has several compartments under management whose strategies vary from Fixed Income to Equity, from Absolute Return to Alternative and Multi-strategy

Management company and other services to UCITS

AISM provides Management Company, Administration, Distribution and Marketing services to UCITS funds

Portfolio Management and Advisory

AISM employs a team of experts who, according to investor’s objectives, look for a stable and consistent result with a capital protection goal. The range of mandates, given by investors on a discretionary or client-by-client basis, includes pension funds and institutions for occupational retirement provision, dedicated to private investors and institutional

New Strategy

AISM assists the set-up and launch of new strategies including revision of Legal Documentation (Prospectus, KID, etc.), coordination with counterparties, development of relationships in the regulatory framework

Our team

Charles Hamer

Board Member

Vincent Decalf

Board Member and Conducting Officer

Rodolfo Alemanni

Board Member

Giorgio Abraini

Portfolio Manager

Massimiliano Comità

Conducting Officer & Portfolio Manager

Nicolas Hanus

Compliance officer

Romain Bonnaventure

Business development

Simone Butti

Risk Manager
Contact us

21 Rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 27 85 47 1

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